Ambulance Kronoberg
The access of information becomes more important than ever and we are proud to announce one our latest collab with our own Region!
In these times, the access of information becomes more important than ever. We at Softwerk are extremely proud of being in collaboration with the ambulance of our own region!
With our product infosynk, we’ve delivered a mobile app for the ambulance in Kronoberg, which is intended to be a decision and starting point for a good pre-hospital medical care.
Under the app development we’ve also delivered a Content Management System where guidelines can continuously be managed and updated in an efficient way.
“It feels good to finally be running this system. It is great to have a public part and a locked part that you must log into which is only available to your own organization. We have now been in operation for 1 week and the response is undoubtedly positive."
- Richard Andersson, IT Manager for the Ambulance in Region Kronoberg