Partnership with DIA


Partnership with DIA

The rapid development of sensors, computing, communication, and storage technologies provides us with access to previously unknown amounts of data—Big Data. It has revolutionized research communities and their scientific methodologies and innovated the approaches to knowledge and theory building, validation, and exploitation in the Sciences and the Humanities. With the foundation of a Linnaeus University Center on “Data Intensive Sciences and Applications” (DISA) in Jan 2017, Big Data has officially become a research profile at Linnaeus University. Softwerk is working in close collaboration with DISA and is a part of the industry graduate school for Data-Intensive Applications.

“With one leg in the academic world and the other in the commercial, our software solutions are always in the scientific and technological vanguard” this is how we usually describe our company. Since we have become an industrial partner with Data-Intensive Applications (DIA) we have been able to add even more value to science. 

Data-Intensive Applications (DIA) is a graduate school for industrial doctoral students that focuses on applied research and addresses big data and artificial intelligence. Academic research is applied to industry challenges here. DIA combines theoretical knowledge from computer science, mechanical engineering, and forest technology with practical experience and competencies. 

With the leverage of the aforementioned areas, we have a strong belief that Softwerk can create new values in our current and future projects. The main goal of the partnership is to develop a new smarter solution and add knowledge and innovations in big data and AI applications in forestry.

There is also an open position at Softwerk. The idea for this employee is to combine research activities for graduate studies leading to a doctoral degree in computer science with practical work related to our daily business at Softwerk. The PhD thesis should be carried out and completed within five years (with 20% research education, 60% work related to the research area, 20% other work for Softwerk AB). For more information on the industrial PhD click here.

Partnership with DIA